We are working towards a better future for people, for our clients, our employees and for society in general.
We include ESG criteria in all of our operations
At the Armando Alvarez Group we are not only governed by economic criteria, but also by social, environmental and good governance criteria. These non-financial criteria, also known as ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), impact both our companies and our environment, and it is essential to take them into account when making corporate decisions in order to achieve long-term sustainable development.
The Group identifies those social, environmental and governance areas that are linked to our activity and operations, with the aim to strategically integrate them in our value creation model.
We have drawn up an ESG Plan, which is based on our three pillars (environment, social and governance) and has 9 levers on which lines of action are deployed with their corresponding objectives.
These levers are the main blocks on which we set different lines of action associated with one or more KPIs, to be achieved within a given period of time.
This year we have added new targets in all areas. We also monitor and measure the level of achievement of the targets with respect to the 2030 horizon.
We joined the UN Global Compact in 2018 and have been highlighted on several occasions as an example of good practice, in 2022 on climate change and circular economy in the Communication on Progress report and in 2024 for the agricultural efficiency of our products and their contribution to zero hunger, which is included in the report on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Spanish companies, published by the UN Global Compact.

We look to the future based on cooperation
At the Armando Alvarez Group we support the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact regarding the respect of Human Rights, compliance with labour regulations, the prevention of corruption and the protection of the environment.
We have incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a Group and we are working on this basis to continue to grow in the markets where we participate, while at the same time contributing with our activity to building a more inclusive, fair and sustainable society.

Corporate Sustainability Report
Corporate Sustainability Report
Here is the new Armando Alvarez Group Corporate Sustainability Report, where we discuss all of the actions taken by the Group companies this last year with the purpose to strengthen our commitment to environmental, social and governance sustainability.
Organizations we collaborate with
At the Armando Alvarez Group we have entered various strategic alliances as an essential tool to achieve our goals more efficiently. By collaborating and using synergies, we strengthen our position and we contribute to creating higher value for our stakeholders. These are some examples:
Acknowledgements and achievements
We are proud to share with you our most important sustainability achievements as a company. These acknowledgements are not only a recognition of our hard work, but also proof of our ongoing commitment to doing business in a responsible and ethical manner.